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Boynton Beach

1770 NE 4th St
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Phone: (561) 364-8695

Delray Beach

675 Auburn Ave
Delray Beach, Florida 33444
Phone: (561) 278-3352


The Coronavirus and Youthland Christian

COVID-19 Health Precautions

Operation Hours are 6:30am-5:00pm.

We would like to review the new procedures that will be in effect until further notice for the protection of our children and staff:

  • No more than 10 persons per room is permitted at this time.
  • No one except staff members and students will be permitted to enter the classrooms, as determined by the Directors. Drop off and pick up will take place at the front lobby. Parents must maintain a 6ft distance from others while waiting outside. You may wish to arrive a few minutes early in the event you need to wait.
  • Masks are required to be worn by anyone who enters the building. This includes children 3 and above (except nap time) – please make sure to send a mask with your child. If you need to enter the lobby you will need to sanitize your hands and wear a mask.
  • Entering Daily: Everyone must sanitize their hands and be screened prior to entering the building DAILY. This means a visual scan, questions re: exposure or any symptoms of illness, and a touch free temperature scan. This is required for adults and children.
  • Symptoms: Fever of 100 or higher, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, colored mucus, chills, shaking with chills, muscle pain, or loss of taste/smell. If any child or staff member has any of these symptoms will not permitted to enter the building, must go home, and will not be permitted to return until after being 72 hours symptom free WITHOUT medication (including fever-reducing medication such as Tylenol), and with a doctor’s note. Parents who do not pick-up their child within an hour of being called or those who dose their child with Tylenol and don’t tell us they have temperature will not be permitted back at school.
  • Exposure: You must inform the Director immediately if your child (1) has symptoms, has tested positive, or has been diagnosed with COVID-19; (2) lives with someone who, in the past 14 days, has symptoms, has tested positive, or has been diagnosed with COVID-19; or (3) has come into direct contact with someone who, in the past 14 days, has symptoms, has tested positive, or has been diagnosed with COVID-19. If you suspect that your child or anyone else may have COVID 19 it is important you do not attempt to send your child to school, confidentially notify the Director immediately, and get a test done as soon as possible.
  • Handwashing: All children will be brought to wash their hands for 20 seconds before joining their class. In addition to the usual handwashing of children after bathroom, before eating, etc, we will wash the children’s hands every half hour for 20 seconds.
  • Sign-in/out – pens are sanitized after each usage.
  • There will be no rotating of staff/children, so your child will be with the same children and teacher/s throughout the day.
  • Social distancing (6ft apart) is required by all adults, and by children to the extent possible.
  • We will continue to provide meals.
  • Bathrooms: All bathrooms will be sanitized between each use.
  • ALL toys that are utilized throughout the day, whether mouthed or not, will be immediately placed in a bin to be sanitized and thoroughly dried before going back out for another child to play with.
  • Our usual cleaning/disinfecting policies will be more frequent and deeper. ALL surfaces, shelving, toys, art supplies, door knobs etc. will be cleaned every time they are touched and at the end of the day.
  • All cots/cribs will be 6 ft apart during rest periods. Cots will be disinfected after each use.
  • Water fountains will not be used. We will use water coolers with disposable cups.
  • Playground equipment will be disinfected everyday. We encourage the children to take walks, plan activities such as scavenger hunts, hopscotch, relay races etc. to get fresh air and exercise each day. If a child touches any equipment outside, we will sanitize. Only one group at a time will be allowed outside in any fenced area.
  • No soft surfaces will be allowed as they are difficult to sanitize. Dress up clothes, soft blocks, stuffed animals, etc. are stored.
  • For a limited time, Governor’s Essential Worker scholarships are now available. The best way to determine if families are eligible for the state funded program, able to renew, or would like to hear more about our services is to call our Family Resource Line (CCR&R): 561.514.3300.

Completed applications should be returned to

Summer Camp

Nestled in the rolling meadows and the deep woods rich in palm and fruit trees of the Loxahatchee Florida..Read More!

Youthland Christian Academy is a “learning center” that assists children in their realization of success and fulfillment through programs of positive self-image. Enrichment centers, outdoor play, and special activities provide additional literacy opportunities and resources that include a writing center, computer center, and library. The large open classroom with designated areas provides both quiet and active play. Our entire program is designed to enable children to have a positive self concept and to know success at an early age.  This is possible because our Academy environment provides children the opportunity to be critical thinkers. Children experience the joy of learning; they feel loved and accepted.  Our program is our attitude!

Youthland Christian Academy believes that each child is a unique gift from God. The loving, caring, Christian atmosphere provides an environment that allows students to feel confident as they experiment, and discover their abilities. The stimulating, child-centered setting offers a safe and developmentally appropriate environment where children can learn self-discipline and have the opportunity to make good choices. Experienced and devoted teachers create challenging opportunities for children, inspiring them to do great things for the glory of the Lord.

Our Mission

Youthland Christian Academy is committed to strengthening families while providing opportunities and experiences in a loving caring environment that empower each child to reach his or her fullest potential. Youthland Christian Academy is focused on providing a fun, nurturing and curiosity-driven environment where children develop a love for learning as they come to understand their own real and growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our Vision

Youthland Christian Academy envisions a generation of leaders in our community who are grounded in God’s word, who value and support education, and lifelong learning. These leaders approach life’s challenges with the guidance of the Holy Spirit utilizing the values, principles, and ethics of Christian life.


Delray Beach

Delray News

Delray Beach welcomes in the holidays with you and your children. Please read the important events coming up and lets get all the childre...Read More

Boynton Beach

Boynton News

December is finally here and we have a newsletter full of updates and events. We want all the children to enjoy the season and get in to ...Read More

Severe Weather Alerts

In the event of severe weather, Youthland Christian Academy will follow Palm Beach County School Board closing procedures. Please watch local news for updates!




Monday - Friday
6:30am - 6:00pm
Holiday Closed Days

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Youthland Christian Academy Childcare Centers are licensed for operation for the care of infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers, and school-age children. Youthland Christian Academy is an equal opportunity provider. We do not discriminate upon the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or other categories protected under Title VII.

© Mother Hen Enterprises,LLC. 2025